Friday, 28 February 2014

 Arun Jyoti, the service project of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari conducted Yuva Sammelan at VKV, Kharsang on 24th February 2014. 123 youths, some of them Ex-VKVians participated in the day long camp. There were 42 participants from Bordumsa, 41 from Kharsang, 34 from Changlang and 6 from Miao.  Sri A.Balakrishnanji, all India Vice President of Vivekananda Kendra delivered the keynote address. In his address he stressed the need of positive forces to bring change in the society.  To build strong national character, he appealed the youths to absorb the ideology of Swami Vivekananda i.e. “Serve Men, Serve God”. He participated in a conversation session where the participants asked him various questions. Er. N.Ngemu, Vibhag Pramukh of Vivekananda Kendra of Tirap Vibhag delivered the concluding lecture. 

Pariksha De Haste Haste at Itanagar

Vivekananda Kendra Arun Jyoti Conducted “Pariksha de haste Haste” an exam based workshop for the college student in Dera Natung Govt. College auditorium.  The three day workshop was conducted from 14th to 16th February 2014.
The workshop was conducted by resource persons of Sri Tara Dajam Nagar Pramukh, Itanagar,  Sri P.N. Singh Teacher G.M. School Jollang, Sri Kalyan Dutta, Mahanagar Pramukh, Vivekananda Kendra, Itanagar. Conducted various sessions on exam related elements like concept of exam, concentration memory power, importance of and yoga for exam etc.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Chale Gaon Ki Aur Programme at Mechuka

Vivekananda Kendra Project Arun Jyoti, (VKAJ) Aalo Branch successfully organized ‘Chale Gaon ki Aur’ programe braving against the cold waves at Mechuka from January 12 to 19. The programme was led by Romin Rava, a full time worker of Vivekananda Kendra Arun Jyoti of Aalo branch with the assistance of 10 more karyakartas of VKAJ from various colleges like Donyi Polo Govt. College Kamki, Jawaharlal Nehru College Pasighat and Dera Natung Govt. College Itanagar.
The main objective of this programme was to understand the value and conditions of the remote villages of our state and make feel that they are also an integral part of the country. The karyakartas have conducted several programmes in Govt. Higher Secondary School, Govt. Town Primary School Mechuka and Govt. Primary school Dichangtang on education and health related programmes like class room teaching, creative activities for skill development and confident building measures, Yoga for physical fitness, games for developing memory and concentration power, drama for general awareness and social services etc.
Addressing the concluding programme Mechuka ADC Ravi Dhawan appreciated the team of VKAJ who have come all the way from different parts to serve the people of the remote place. Such activities are very much necessary in the present day context for the students who are almost cut off from rest to gap the sense of alienation from the mainstream and.
Apart from class room teaching and learning other co-curricular activities are utmost important for the student, he said. Kamlera Moshing, ASM, Mechuka, also expressed his gratitude to the VKAJ team for their excellent job in their endeavor to imbibe such confidence building measures among the students to bring about optimistic changes in their life. Participants from various schools also shared their experiences and expressed their gratefulness to the karyakartas for spending some days with them for good cause. 


     The Free Operation Camp organized by Vievakananda Kendra Arun Jyoti in collaboration with Remote Area Medical, Knoxville, USA, concluded successfully on 8th February at Central Hospital, CIL, Margherita, Assam. A total 44 patients were operated for Gall Stone diseases, hernia, appendicitis and other ailments during the camp which was inaugurated on 3rd February by Sri.Y.Matey, Parliamentary Secretary of DOTCL, Govt.of Arunachal Pradesh. In his inaugural speech he appreciated the efforts of VKAJ in the field of rural health care in eastern parts of Arunachal Pradesh and assured all possible help from his side. He very fondly mentioed the brotherhood ties between the people of Margherita and the people of Arunachal and wished that it should contine. 6 NRI Doctors came from America to provide this voluntary service to the poor and needy patients of Arunachal Pradesh.

A total 210 patients registered their names during the pre-screening. Out of them 43 patients were screened for surgeries. 37 endoscopies were done for patients suffering from various abdominal related diseases like Gastritis, ulcers etc. It is to be mentioned that Mitra Medical LLP provided machines to conduct endoscopies free of cost for the patients.

Most of the patients were from Changlang,Tirap and Longding districts of Arunachal Pradesh. The most encouraging fact that many patients from very remote Vijaynagar circle came all the way to avail the benefits. This camp already completed glorious seven years and more than 300 patients were operated without any complications. The NRI Doctors also feel that there is need of this service and are eager to visit again next year.