Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Vimarsha at VKAJ Namsai

On 9th April 2015 Vimarsha Programme was held at Arunachal University of Studies (AUS) Namsai. Vivekananda Kendra Arunachal Prant Pramukh Dr. Joram Begi was the chief speaker of the programme on the topic “SERVE MAN SERVE GOD”. Director of AUS, HODs of various Department, Students of AUS, NGOs and public of Namsai were present in the programme. Dr.  Begi remaind the Swami Vivekananda’s work for nation building and rise of Gospel on renunciation of man to work and unite the country. He highlighted the present issues of Local community and also gave an account of the rich historical background of the khamtis in the field of education and culture. He openly shared the personal view on the role of the parents in moulding the children and also gave answers to the queries of the audience present there.Namsai