Monday, 13 April 2015

Vivekananda Kendra Arun Jyoti Tezu organized Vimarsha

April 08, 2015 The Tezu Branch of Vivekananda Kendra Arun Jyoti is organized Vimarsha (A dialogue for Creative Leaders). The topic was “SERVE MEN SERVE GOD”. Programme begin with lightening the lamp by Vivekananda Kendra Arunachal Prant Pramukh Dr. Joram Begi and  welcome speech given by Vyavstha Pramukh Smt.Hage behizane, Nagara Pramukh VKAJ Tezu Shri Kruleso Ngadong highlighted the work of Vivekananda Kendra in Arunachal, Shri P.K. Pandey highlighted the message of Swamiji. Dr. Joram Begi said that every person has the divinity , we should serve the man those who are poor, Illiterate, Ignorant and innocent, Serve to these people mean  worship to god, he emphases worship should be selfless, One should not expect by giving only think to give. Serve should be irrespective of cost, color and religious. As a good citizen one should be dedicated and communicated to their duty that is their service to god. End of the Program VKAJ Teju Nidhi Sankalan Pramukh Smt.Reena Sharma given the vote of thanks.