Focus: Mananeeya A. Balakrishnaji in his introductory address narrated his journey of life to serve the motherland to the fullest. He went on to say the difficulties faced in 1970s in Arunachal Pradesh to guide and instill the value of life in general and education in particular. He also shared the gathering the inspirations and guidance all the workers of Vivekananda Kendra received from the legendary personality Mananeeya Eknathji Ranade. “Swamiji’s vision was the mission of Ma. Eknathji and all the Kendra workers were streamlined to emulate the sermon under the active support and guidance of Ma. Eknathji Ranade”, Ma. Balakrishnanji told in his speech.
The Secretary Maharaj, RK Mission, Itanagar in his inaugural address highlighted a few components of Swami Vivekananda’s visions and His calls to the youths of India.