Vivekananda Kendra Arun Jyoti
organized Samartha Prashikshan Karyasala (Trainer’s Training Workshop) at
VKV,Tinsukia for the teachers of Arunachal Pradesh.
Ma.Nivedita Bhide addressing the participants |
15 teachers and other
professionals from Tirap,Changlang and Lohit districts of Arunachal Pradesh and
Assam participated in this three days workshop. A total 8 karyakartas from
Vivekananda Kendra also participated in this workshop. The workshop was
inaugurated on 24th August and concluded on 27th August. Ma.Nidevita
Bhide, All India Vice President of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari addressed the
participants and guided to overcome challenges face by teachers through the
concept of oneness. Su.Alkagauri Joshi, Prant Sangathak of Punjab and Haryana
was the resource person. As it was a trainer’s workshop, the participants plan
to organize the same workshop in various places of Arunachal Pradesh in near